Support Us

Wilderness Wind  operated by Chicago Voyagers is a nonprofit, privately funded organization supported by campers’ fees, donations, gifts, voluntary service, and grants from foundations. 

We exist because of generous donations from people like YOU. We welcome continued support in many ways, whether it be through volunteering, in-kind donations (see our Wish List), or monetary donations. Financial contributions can be made online via credit card or by mailing a check.

Thanks to your donations, we can continue to make unique wilderness experiences available to everyone and to pursue our mission 


Financial Contributions

You can click the “Donate” button below to make a tax deductible donation by credit card


or by mailing a check to:

Wilderness Wind

c/o Chicago Voyagers
534 Pratt Ave N

Schaumburg, IL 60193


Or if you prefer to make an in-kind donation, see our Wish List for items needed. In keeping with our environmental awareness, we encourage up-cycling or re-using of items already loved.

General donations are appreciated. However, your contributions can be earmarked for specific camp funds or projects, such as:

  • Operations
  • Capital improvements and development;
  • Scholarships (for campers and staff)


Thank you for your participation in enhancing wilderness travel, renewal and earthkeeping at Wilderness Wind.